In this scene from a VIP visit, Michael Helsinger of Hewn Guitars showed the small dust-free space where he meets customers; guitar building takes place in the basement. Helsinger was one of the first to rent in the Holland Arts West building; his wife/artist Kelly handles social media for the Holland Arts East and West buildings. New: A patio space and – eventually – Yellowbird Coffee shop.

  Michael Helsinger, Ben Johnson and Addy Gonzalez (Photo by Margo Ashmore)

Visiting were Ben Johnson and Addy Gonzalez of the City of Minneapolis Arts and Cultural Affairs Department. Engaging with the fiber artists working in the buildings on May 23, they brought news of opportunities for artists to apply for the Vibrant Storefronts program. It would pay artists’ rent to occupy and revitalize vacant storefronts. A grant RFP will launch this summer.   

  Photo by Margo Ashmore

The day’s tour also included lunch at SIP Coffeebar, conversation at Twin Ignition Startup Garage, the Arts District’s Welcome Center space and a surprise visit to meet the owners of Simply Creative at 1631 Washington, a store and classroom space. At Flux Arts Building, Johnson helped draw the winner of Art to Change the World’s passport offering from Art-A-Whirl.  

On Monday, June 3, Arts District chair Josh Blanc will be hosting a visit from out-of-staters arts community looking to see if they can learn from our “secret sauce.”

Interviewers/Writer opportunities still open

While there was decent response to last month’s appeal, there’s room for more writers and editors to align with the Arts District’s needs. “Would you like an excuse to talk with other artists or learn more about artists, AND get paid something for your time? Arts Insights and the Arts District e-newsletter need people out there spotting patterns, following hunches, and helping tell stories of the Northeast Minneapolis Arts District. Preference given to folks currently living or working in the Northeast area.” To apply, send a resume and/or cover letter with at least two writing samples or links, to We will be hosting a get-acquainted group interview on Tuesday, June 11. Details will be given to those who complete the above. Also, an experienced, quick editor is needed for occasional monthly compilations on short notice. Learn about the inner workings of the arts district and possibly work on the Northeast Calendar. Send email expressing interest, to

Calendar Call for Art

Northeast Calendar art submissions are due September 1, 2024 for 2025. Rules and submission procedures are the same as the last couple of years. A PDF of the call for art is posted HERE.

NE Calendar Cover from 2021