The Roundtable Project donor appeals campaign is about to launch!

In the coming days, watch your inboxes for an invitation to be part of a bold new project the Northeast Minneapolis Arts District is initiating. The Roundtable Project is an effort to create a forum and documentation of the Minneapolis visual arts, where diverse, multi-generational leaders can convene in conversation around a shared table; the goal in coming together is to articulate a collective history and advocate for a collective vision of the future. 

As this new program takes shape, the early financial investment of this community will be critical to getting it started! Your support matters. 

Backed by the Arts District Board, artists and project leads Remo Campopiano and Katherine Boyce have been meeting with an ever-widening group of “Friends of the Roundtable Project.” At our last informal potluck gathering on May 9th, there was ongoing energy in the room to continue expanding the circle; this is a Northeast Minneapolis Arts District project, but the story of the visual arts and how we got to where we are now as an arts district is threaded through with stories from all across the Twin Cities—and beyond. Many more voices are needed to understand and champion the diverse legacy of the visual arts in Minneapolis.

Please share with others that you know might believe in this project.