The Minneapolis visual arts community is a diverse, enterprising, and vital part of the local economy and culture—but it consistently flies under the radar. Vibrant art communities are spread throughout the cities, but disconnected from each other’s storytelling. Meanwhile, decades of rich oral history and context are disappearing as generations age.

Over the past few months, members of the Northeast MInneapolis Arts District Board and others have been convening in the new Timber & Tie space to think strategically about how to create a forum for the Minneapolis visual arts, one that is informed by history and empowered for the future. This is the central ambition of the Roundtable Project, a new initiative of the Northeast Minneapolis Arts District. The goal of the Roundtable Project is to build an arts coalition informed by collective history and shared vision for the future. The program will convene diverse, multi-generational leaders in the visual arts community for moderated, topical roundtable discussions. These discussions are designed to probe core existential questions: as a collective visual arts community, where are we? How did we get here? What can we become together? 

 A project of this scope will ultimately require significant ongoing funding, both from foundations and from private donors. To that end, a public fundraising campaign just launched, raising nearly $3,000 of the $25,000 fundraising goal so far. ….needs another sentence or two here, but I am out of time. 

Support the project financially. Your donation today will champion a legacy for tomorrow.