from the Northeast Minneapolis Arts District Board of Directors

Most of the Northeast Minneapolis Arts District board and spouses were gathered at the pass the torch event when we heard the shocking news that Diane Loeffler died. Stories and memories flowed. She happily participated in community events of all sorts, gravitating to art-making whenever it was offered. She worked hard to address the needs of her constituents, and that included advocating for arts in many ways. She bought art as gifts and to fill her legislative office as our State Representative.

Well before her first election, she was one of the earliest advocates of a community arts center, working on a model with others that had progressed quite far.  Her vision was that it be a place that a non-artist would feel welcome, that art should be accessible to all.

Diane Loeffler’s passing, Debbie and Paul Woodward’s retirement, and Aldo Moroni’s terminal diagnosis have reminded all of us to value each day and mentor the next generation. We don’t always, in fact seldom, know exactly how to get there but often “when a door opens, go through it” leads to the answers.