Artspace and Intermedia Arts Band Together to Keep the Northrup King Building
an Affordable Space for Artists in Northeast Minneapolis

Minneapolis, MN, September 13, 2019 – This afternoon, Debbie Woodward, longtime property manager of the
Northrup King Building, circulated a letter to building tenants announcing upcoming changes to property ownership.

Locally based nonprofit developer, Artspace Properties, Inc., and Shamrock Properties, longtime owner and operator
of the Northrup King Building, have entered into a purchase agreement, setting in motion plans to transfer the
building’s operational oversight and ownership to Artspace by 2019 year end.

The Northrup King Building is a warehouse complex, providing approximately 317,000 square feet of artist working
studios and commercial space in six buildings. Eight vacant and un-renovated structures provide an additional
235,000 square feet of space. The property has experienced an incredible transformation since it was first purchased
by Woodward’s father in the late 1980s. Under Debbie Woodward’s stewardship as property manager, the Northrup
King Building became a creative center to more than 350 artists and several small businesses, making it the largest
creative and commercial studio complex for artists in the state of Minnesota. Pressure to sell to developers increased
in 2017 after the passing of Woodward’s father, developer Jim Stanton. By 2018, the Northrup King Building became
the most requested property in her late father’s real estate portfolio, with requests to purchase coming from
developers all across the country. Woodward takes comfort in the fact that the prospective sale to Artspace will keep
the artist community intact.

“As a developer, my dad was always creating a new project and working through solving all the challenges to get to
the final result,” said Debbie Woodward. “He really enjoyed speaking to the artists about their art making process,
and related to the process and problem solving that artists go through. I’m thrilled to work with Artspace on the
transition of ownership to ensure a space for this arts community for the long term.”

Ward 1 Council Member Kevin Reich has expressed strong support for the transition to Artspace ownership, stating
that “the Northrup King Building is a cornerstone of the Arts District; a foundational element of the District’s history
and its current activity. I applaud the next phase for this iconic building because it preserves that legacy, while also
allowing the Northrup King Building to become an enduring cornerstone of the Arts District’s future. Artspace has
been a longstanding partner in growing our Arts District, which gives me great confidence going forward.”

Artspace sees their acquisition of the Northrup King Building as a quintessential moment to put the Artspace missionin a ction: To create, foster, and preserve affordable and sustainable space for artists and arts organizations. “It has been a privilege to work with Shamrock Properties and to experience the commitment that Debbie and Shamrock have made to artists in the Northrup King Building and greater Northeast Arts Community,” said Greg Handberg,

Artspace Senior Vice President of Properties. “The transfer of ownership provides an opportunity to extend and
expand this commitment at the property. We are committed to keeping Northrup King Building a place for artists for
decades to come, preserving this important anchor of the Northeast Minneapolis Arts District.”
The purchase agreement for the Northrup King Building would not have advanced without a partnership with
Intermedia Arts, which is providing grant funding in support of this acquisition. “Intermedia Arts is honored to
support Artspace in preserving and expanding affordable space for the broader Twin Cities creative community. We believe this a powerful way to preserve Intermedia Arts’ vision, and invest in the future of emerging and
underrepresented artists in Minneapolis for generations,” said Intermedia Arts Board Co-chair Omar Akbar.

All supporters of this agreement are proud that the sale will lead to the preservation of 317,000 square feet of creative space for artists in Northeast Minneapolis, and will remain an anchor for the creative community.


About Artspace Projects, Inc.
Founded in Minneapolis in 1979, Artspace is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to create, foster, and preserve
affordable and sustainable space for artists and arts organizations. To fulfill that mission, Artspace uses the tools of
real estate development to construct or restore places where artists can affordably live and work; and ensures that they remain accessible to artists and their families in perpetuity. Artspace’s unique portfolio, developed over four decades, includes 51 projects nationwide. Beyond developing places, Artspace has also served as a consultant to hundreds of arts communities coast-to-coast, helping others advance their visions. While embracing the value the arts bring to individual lives, Artspace champions the once-radical idea that artists and arts organizations can leverage fundamental social change. For more information, please visit

Tio Aiken, Artspace Vice President of Communications, e:; p: 612-321-1841