The NEMAA 10×10 Fall Member Fundraiser, taking place on September 21, 2019 from5-9pm, will display a wide breadth of work being done by hundreds of Northeast artists, all in a 10-inch by 10-inch format! New emerging artists will be side by side with seasoned professionals. An added wrinkle will be the fun and mysterious nature of the show; artwork will be labeled on the back, so buyers will choose pieces they love and only discover the artists’ identity at check-out. Can you spot work by an artist you follow?

Discover new artists and take home original art! Every piece will be for sale for $35.00 and all proceeds go to NEMAA.

How it works
Eligible to all NEMAA artists who would like to exhibit and donate their 10×10-inch work for the NEMAA 10×10 member fundraiser. You may choose to donate artwork that is indicative of your classic style, or try something completely different. You can donate as many pieces as you would like.

We are asking for original unframed and unmounted artwork that fits within a 10×10-inch parameter.
For 2D works: Paintings, drawings, photography, mixed media works, and collages made on stiff heavy-weight paper
(artwork will be clipped to wire for hanging display). Please indicate the top of the artwork with a penciled arrow on the back. Sign and Print Name on the BACK of each piece (not the front!).
For 3D works: Small-scale sculpture, ceramics, wood, jewelry, and metal pieces that can fit into the 10×10 format. NEMAA will coordinate display either on pedestals or wire.

Print and include the submission form. Please include one submission form for each piece of artwork being submitted. For 2D, protect artwork with wax or glassine wrap and thin cardboard.

Deadline: NEMAA will be accepting artwork until Saturday, September 14, 2019. Feel free to submit early!
Click here to learn more.