In hopes that residential and commercial property developers will do their homework even before talking with us, the Northeast Minneapolis Arts District has posted a list titled “Three simple ways to incorporate art in development.” We encourage neighborhood organization members and others who are contacted by developers to get familiar with the page as it should be a good place to send people.

Hook and Ladder metal work by Lisa Elias

The vibrancy of the Arts District is a talking point, a selling point, for most any business that locates or hopes to locate in or near the district. We want help making our neighborhood look and feel even more like an arts district, so when appropriate development comes along, we want to see ideas that aren’t “cookie cutter.”

In Timber & Tie, Hook & Ladder, and The Huxley, outdoor sculpture and indoor art elements are

Art Bike Racks by L. John Andrew (Photo courtesy of NE Sculpture|Gallery Factory)

both functional and beautiful. They’re examples of taking parts of the building budget that were intended for elements like trash receptacles, bike racks and fences, and purchasing those items from artists who custom-make fun yet sturdy interpretations of the functional pieces. We also offer the concept of budgeting for public art, as many municipalities have started doing.

Arts District leadership is available to talk with developers about these concepts and make referrals to artists and public art consultants suited to their needs. Contact info and the full article are here.