If you like visiting artists’ studios and can write insightfully, Northeast Minneapolis Arts District may have assignments for you. For the Arts Insights page in the Northeaster newspaper, there are themes we have wanted to pursue, involving interviewing several artists on the same or similar subject, but we run short on time. The challenge is to write succinctly for that space, and longer pieces for use online if warranted. There is some monetary compensation, along with the privilege and fun of an excuse to have great conversations.

To apply, send some applicable writing samples or links by email to Margo@MyNortheaster.com.

Like to brainstorm, even if you don’t have time to follow through? The Arts District is also looking for readers of this e-newsletter willing to give feedback and brainstorm story ideas at a one-time session or maybe two to three times a year. Artists and arts supporters welcome, express interest at Margo@MyNortheaster.com.