Candy Kuehn

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Candy Kuehn

Woods Time

Dimensions 10″x10″ or 12″x12″
Medium: IPhoneography; dyesublimation printed metal plate

I paint with reality on my IPhone with apps…I check and print them up using Photoshop, and make larger in ON1 or AIGigapixel on my computer…here’s a poem I wrote for our ON2 Gallery in the California Building show.

I encounter grace

Between space’s time,

This thrill,

Deeply beautiful.

The very real, reality….I can actualize.

In my IPhone with Apps.

One moment irridesences,……

Many moments’ direction,…….

Begins amidst the ends.


In a palpable exquisiteness,……….

With a relished sublime joy.

I print these up.

This one was an early IPhone3 piece  at he Cabin..across the lake, through trees, is Voyagers National Park