News from and about board members and offerings/activities of the Northeast Minneapolis Arts District.

Board briefs

Northeast Minneapolis Arts District thanks Kristine Martin for her years of service on the arts district board of directors. Kristine was first elected to the Northeast Community Development Corporation board when its former leaders were at a crossroad and she was president of East Side Neighborhood Services. She served as treasurer through the eventual merger with the arts district, helped develop the current mission statement, and volunteered at various events.

Piotr Szyhalski – Kristine Martin Looks on, at the 2023 Vision Awards

Stepping up as treasurer is Paul Ostrow, a former First Ward City Council member and past member of the Northeast Minneapolis Arts Association board of directors. Paul has served as an arts district board member and member of the Land Trust Task Force. He recently retired from a post as assistant Anoka County attorney, and has also volunteered at events.

Nicholas Harper (pictured here with Herman Milligan at the Vision Awards after-party) recently left the arts district board, having helped out in many ways since 2018. We’ve enjoyed many a reception at the Rogue Buddha Gallery after significant events at the Ritz Theater down the street – most recently, the Vision Awards. Thank you, Nick!

Herman Milligan & Nicholas Harper


Alex Legeros has been named Executive Director of Franconia Sculpture Park near Shafer, Minnesota. Son of sculptor Nick Legeros and painter Anne Legeros, he collaborated with his father on the Goldy Gopher statue at the University of Minnesota, and helped out at the Blue Ribbon Bronze studio on several other commissions as he grew up. In this Edina Sun Current article, he reflects on that upbringing and what lies ahead at Franconia.

Margo Ashmore, current Vice President of the Northeast Minneapolis Arts District board, has been elected to a two-year term on the board of directors of Reuse Minnesota. Reuse Minnesota “builds partnerships and supports a vibrant network of reuse practitioners through education, advocacy and promotion,” quoting their mission statement. Members include local governments, vintage and thrift stores, sellers of salvaged home and office parts, tool and toy lending libraries and others.

Artists who teach

If you’re looking for an artist to teach a class, lead a workshop or provide a fun experience, check out the Northeast Minneapolis Arts District’s list of artists who teach. If you are a teaching artist with a live/work/exhibit connection to the district and want to be included on this list, please contact

Northeast Calendar

Did you get your 2024 Northeast Calendar yet? They were snapped up quickly at many locations, but there are likely still some hiding out there somewhere…see this article for a list if you want to call around or visit some of the lesser-traffic locations. The California Building usually has a good supply – you may need to ask at the office if the pile outside the office door has disappeared.

Arts Leaders see and be scene

Josh Blanc and Margo Ashmore attended a party for arts leaders sponsored by the city of Minneapolis and Arts Midwest. December 11 they packed Milly’s Wine Bar on the outskirts of downtown. We chatted with Justin Lucero from Theater Latté Da, met some colleagues of our board member Michelle Woster who runs the Cedar Cultural Center. Conversed with Blaine from, Judy Hawkinson – formerly of American Craft Council, now working with the MSP Film Society. Xavier Tavera and Maria Cristina Tavera and Gustavo Lira were there; and many more from past and future connections.

It was a chance to network, greet old friends and new, with no agenda (or every agenda). Ben Johnson, Addy Gonzalez, Mary Altman, Brenda Kayzar and other colleagues/consultants from the city’s Arts and Cultural Affairs Department, got a chance to see, all in one place, the drivers of everything art in the city. A good loud time was had by all. Readers will be hearing more from new leaders of the department in future newsletters, and by all indications it’ll be an open exchange.

Compiled by Margo Ashmore, photos by Lisa Roy Photography