To train passengers coursing by Indeed Brewing, Art-A-Whirl® looked like huge party time. To others, it was a first opportunity to try selling artwork or craft wares. For still others, it was an excuse to talk intimate groups of community members gathered around for a simple hands-on exercise such as making a button or a fire starter, or mixing paint to match a color found in nature.

Holly Tappen’s studio door at the California Building celebrates many years of participating. The event still serves as an entry point for community and future artists to experience the arts.

Or to make sales. Apparently Art-A-Whirl® was quite good for cards and other things people could carry with them, as walking, biking, or trolley riding were the best ways to get around. But there were also many red dots connoting sales of more substantial works.

My personal mission in choosing where to whirl was in part to start seeing creatively again, to get some of that mojo back after a year and a half or two of dry spell; and I heard of others expressing that same sentiment. Art-A-Whirl® served as an accessible portal, awakening various senses and capabilities. Thanks to Northeast Minneapolis Arts Association for putting it on, once again, in person.

–by Margo Ashmore, Art-A-Whirl Coordinator 2000-2002