by Josh Blanc

13th Ave. is preserved for now, thanks to the individuals who expressed their dissatisfaction by signing a petition and speaking up at the Sheridan Neighborhood Organization meeting in August. Developers Curt Gunsbury, Drew Levin and Daniel Perkins of Solhem Cos. have decided to pull their proposal for the 5-story,108-unit apartment complex next to the Anchor Fish & Chips restaurant.

Developers are currently scouring NE to find places to build apartments and condos. They are snatching up
properties before most of us know they are for sale. It is imperative that discussions take place on what kind of
development our community needs and wants. If we want no further development, then we have to consider claiming historic designation of Northeast areas and stay informed of potential developments that could adversely affect our neighborhoods.

To keep abreast of upcoming developments and programming consider attending Sheridan Neighborhood Organization next meetings Tuesday, October 8, 2019 6:30 PM 8:00 PM. Ward 3 Council member Steve Fletcher has regular coffee with the community Coffee with CM Fletcher at Mojo Coffee This Wednesday, October 2 5:00pm
and Wednesday, October 23, 5:00pm. Click here to see his complete schedule.