For the past month Meet Minneapolis has been asking residents to put their input to help shape the future of travel and tourism in Minneapolis. They want to develop an updated 10-year destination master plan to increase the appeal of our city as a destination for travelers. Artists across the city should be filling these surveys out for planners to hear what we need and want to happen.

The survey, which closes on May 3, will take approximately five (5) minutes to complete, and your responses will be confidential.

To begin the survey: Note that there is not an “other comments” question at the end, so if you have something to say, you’re wise to do it through the open-ended questions during the survey.

Development is going to come to Northeast Minneapolis. The question is what do you want to see for development in the Northeast Minneapolis Arts District that would strengthen the community. It does not necessarily mean just arts but arts adjacent too.  Examples are trade schools, experiential art concepts, art galleries, sculpture art park, flex space (such as for big, temporary projects), art supply store, 3D modeling shop, laser cutting studio and of course, arts organizations. What are your thoughts?

Article by Josh Blanc