Are you using ChatGPT or other AI?

We are gathering info/ideas/comments for an article on Artificial Intelligence. In the art world or in general, is anyone out there using it to help with writing, grant-seeking, or other applications? Do you feel your job/profession/career is threatened by AI? How are you adapting or resisting? If you would like to comment, please send a note to


Would you like an excuse to talk with other artists or learn more about artists, AND get paid something for your time? Arts Insights and the Arts District e-newsletter need people out there spotting patterns, following hunches, and helping tell stories of the Northeast Minneapolis Arts District. Preference given to folks currently living or working in the Northeast area. To apply, send a resume and/or cover letter with at least two writing samples or links, to

Various volunteers needed

Editor: An experienced, quick editor is needed for occasional monthly compilations on short notice. Learn about the inner workings of the arts district and possibly work on the Northeast Calendar. Send email expressing interest.

Speakeasy ticket sellers and errand runners: Individuals or pairs are needed to pick up and deliver ice and other supplies to Casket Arts Building prior to the opening each day of Art-A-Whirl and help clean/decorate on Thursday/Friday before. An hour or two here and there. Also likely there will be some ticket-selling shifts (approx. 3 hours) available such as 2:30-5:30 on Saturday, May 18.

Outreach: In anticipation of future projects, the Arts District leadership is looking for people interested in surveys, history and organizational tasks on a volunteer basis. Note that volunteering is a first step toward eventually serving on a task force, committee or board of any organization, particularly this one.

For any of the above positions, email a note of interest to

Arts District Welcome Center open during Art-A-Whirl®

The Welcome Center is a brand new program of the Arts District and still under development. However, we will be open during Art-A-Whirl. Please drop by at 900 14th Ave. NE to meet some of the people making the Welcome Center happen. Pick up a map of the district with building locations and highlighted public art sculptures to visit.