The former Avirat building has been purchased by dik Bolger and Carmen Gutiérrez Bolger. The couple recently gave a tour for Arts District board members and interested community folks, as they are looking for first-floor tenants (space for about 40 office workers or could be divided for some retail use and potential gallery in a lovely kitchen-social space). Eventual plans include artist studios in the basement. Carmen is a past president of Northeast Minneapolis Arts Association (NEMAA) and artist with studio in the Casket Arts Building. dik and family are Bolger Vision Beyond Print.

dik and Carmen Bolger with Sonja Peterson, Tom Dunnwald and Jennifer Young, touring the space that looks out at 3rd Street NE.

Vision Beyond Print , has been printing the Northeast Calendar for the last few years. The working title for the building, 230 Rose on the Avenue was chosen to honor women named Rose in each of the couple’s ancestries. Anyone who knows of a sizeable arts-friendly business looking to relocate can inquire at