The meeting room was overflowing with well over 100 people at East Side Neighborhood Services as community members listened to information and questions about a potential new development August 26. It would take out three duplexes and a parking lot next to The Anchor Fish & Chips on 13th Avenue, and put up a 5-story 108-unit apartment building.

The developers, seeking some adjustments from the city to allow them to build, said they wanted to hear from the residents of adjoining properties. Asked if and how they would become part of community life, they essentially said we’re bringing you a nice building and new residents, that’s it. They stated their art budget is about $200,000 per building and most of that would go to Minneapolis artists.

The most vocal in the room were opposed to the development, but the Sheridan Neighborhood Organization board of directors did not take a vote. While the developers said they have purchase agreements on the properties, they don’t own them yet.

13th ave proposed building

Whatever your opinion, it is good to see so many arts district residents coming out and raising the bar on what passes for development. We encourage all to keep attending this type of meeting.

More food for thought: Home-owners can forestall development by being aware of property coming up for sale and buying it or recruiting friendly owner occupants or investors who keep it as naturally occurring affordable housing.” Be ready to do this many times over as investors change their minds.

-by Josh Blanc, photo by Damian Kussian