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Arts District News

January 17, 2020 - Special Edition

Dear reader,

It is rare to have the opportunity to vote on an arts and culture advocate who could really represent the artists of Northeast Minneapolis.

Please Vote Jan. 21 and Feb. 4!

200115 NE Candidates graphic for NE Arts District
The District 60A Minnesota House of Representatives seat was vacated by the death of longtime Rep. Diane Loeffler, who was a brilliant strategist and an arts advocate. If you like one of the DFLers, vote in the DFL primary election January 21. This special election could come down to a handful of votes. Make your vote count and carefully consider the candidates running to fill this important vacancy. Early voting is already available.

In the general election February 4, the winner of the DFL primary will face the opponent from the Legal Marijuana Now Party. Early voting will be available.

The Northeast Minneapolis Arts District and neighborhood groups that forward this message are not endorsing anyone, as non-profit organizations are prohibited from doing so. The Arts District jointly held a forum with Logan Park, Northeast Park, and St. Anthony East neighborhood associations, Sheridan Neighborhood Organization and Beltrami Neighborhood Council, at which eleven candidates participated. (The one who did not face a primary declined to join the event.)

Here are links that should help you determine the candidate of your choice, and a poll-finder widget to learn where to cast your vote.

If you don’t live in the 60A District but know people who do, please take a moment to engage and encourage them to turn out and cast a ballot.

Finding your polling place:

Link to a map of the 60A district: https://pollfinder.sos.state.mn.us/docs/60A.pdf

Map of the neighborhood boundaries: http://cityoflakes.maps.arcgis.com/apps/PublicGallery/map.html?appid=4172cd1ed97749a6a4623dd7aa5a246f&webmap=687b83365dd34e48b759ce3121ff4497

Poll-finder where you can type in your address and find out where to vote.

Early voting is at 980 East Hennepin Ave. (Jan. 20 is last day for 60A early primary voting, Feb. 3 for the general. Presidential primary voting is also open, same location)

Studying up on candidates:

Link to forum conducted by the Arts District and five neighborhoods
The Minnesota State Legislature, of which the House 60A is a part, votes on bonding bills for roads, infrastructure and buildings. The body considers legislation and funding for education, arts, environment, and other topics not clearly covered by cities or federal government.

Link to Northeaster newspaper’s candidate profile/interviews, which has links to the candidates’ websites and at the end, to forum videos and lengthy candidate questionnaires. https://www.mynortheaster.com/news/twelve-seek-office-in-house-60a-special-primary/

Stay in the know:

If you would appreciate receiving Arts District News, the monthly e-newsletter (plus occasional special editions like this when warranted), subscribe here: https://northeastminneapolisartsdistrict.org/arts-district-news/
The Northeast Minneapolis Arts District (NE-AD) is an officially designated Arts District by the City of Minneapolis. NE-AD’s Board of Directors was established in 2014. Fiscal sponsor: Northeast Community Development Corporation, 501(c)(3).

Northeast Minneapolis Arts District
2205 Howard Street NE, Minneapolis, MN 55418
The Arts at Work
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